
It is recognized that there is a rapidly increasing awareness of the need for quantum computing applications, and there is a great desire to produce quality quantum software in a controlled manner. However, this is ineffective unless research and practitioners come to understand how software engineering can help. As the Talavera Manifesto for Quantum Software Engineering and Programming stated, Quantum Software Engineering (QSE) is a necessary contribution to the success of quantum computing. IEEE defines Software Engineering as the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software, as well as the study of these approaches; that is, the application of engineering to software. It is time to take care of producing quantum software by applying knowledge and lessons learned from the software engineering field. This implies to apply or adapt the existing software engineering processes, methods, techniques, practices and principles for the development of quantum software, or even to create new methods and techniques.

2nd Quantum Software Engineering and Technology Workshop is co-located with IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering | IEEE Quantum Week 2021

The topics of interest for the workshop are the following:

  • Quantum programming techniques and practices
  • Quantum software design
  • Quantum computing algorithms
  • Quantum software engineering methodologies
  • Analysis and design of quantum programs
  • Testing and verification of quantum programs
  • Quality assurance of quantum software
  • Evolution and maintenance of quantum software
  • Modelling of quantum software
  • Automation of the quantum software production
  • Model-driven engineering and generative techniques for quantum software
  • Metrics for quantum software
  • Frameworks and tools for developing quantum programs
  • Quantum software experimentations
  • Quantum software execution
  • Industrial applications
  • Empirical evaluations

Call for Contributions

  • September 17, 2021
    In order to participate as speaker, please send by email an abstract (1-2 pages) of your tentative talk to:
  • October 15, 2021
    After reviewing proposals, all accepted speakers will be invited to submit a long-version paper (between 6 and 12 pages) before the workshop celebration.
  • The workshop format consists of a single-day workshop of oral presentations and discussion
  • All these papers will be published in a proceedings volume in CEUR-WS, a free open-access publication service.

The previous Q-SET'20 proceedings can be accessed at

Target Audience

Researchers and practitioners coming from the industry, that came up with innovative and significant advances or experiences in the field of Quantum Software Engineering and Technology; or those people that are interested on learning about this field.

It expects to attract attendees coming from the quantum computing & engineering fields who wants to learn about how to develop quantum software, but also attendees coming from the traditional software engineering field who wants to learn about quantum computing technology and programming.